Antry the Bullet Ant and Her Three Friends

Once upon a time, there lived a bullet ant named Antry. She was a big, fat, 4 inches long and a dark black ant. Antry had three loyal friends: Flee the fly, Cricky the cricket, and Termee the termite.

All was going fine when the humans evolved into smarter creatures and started cutting trees and to add more to that destroying insect homes. Sadly, the parents of the four friends were killed in these actions. This loss ignited a fierce desire for justice and revenge among them.

One sunny day, Antry called her friends for a meeting near her anthill.

“It’s unfair that our parents were killed just because humans are smarter,” Termee protested.

Antry sighed. “We can’t change what happened, Termee.”

“We can do something, Antry! We must!” Termee insisted passionately.

“Let’s not argue,” Flee interrupted.

“I have an idea,” Cricky announced. The others eagerly listened.

“Listen carefully,” Cricky began. “I’ll distract humans with a song. Flee and Termee, you’ll tickle them. Flee, sit on their shoulder and escape if they try to swat you. Termee, sneak into their pants and tickle them. Antry, you’ll deliver a powerful bite from behind. Distract, tickle, and bite will be our strategy.”


“That’s a great plan, but we’ll need more insects, boats, and airplanes,” Antry added.

“Why?” Cricky asked, his enthusiasm reduced by the thought of feedback.

“Don’t be disheartened, Cricky,” Flee reassured. “We’re all worried about our parents, and your ideas matter.”

Antry explained, “We need more insects to ensure Termee and Flee aren’t easily caught. And we’ll need boats and airplanes to cross rivers and mountains.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!  You’re all getting ahead of yourselves. Antry is right. There are countless humans in the world, and we’re just four insects. Even if we recruit more insects, our numbers won’t be enough to make a difference and all our talking will be a waste ” Termee explained.

“Then how can we seek revenge?” Antry wondered aloud.

Termee suggested, “What if we live in human houses? If they try to harm us, we’ll fight back.”

“Brilliant, Termee!” Antry praised.

Five Years Later

Antry died due to attack from zombie virus, but her three friends continued their mission. “It’s cozy in this human house,” Flee remarked.

“Watch out, Termee! A human is trying to squash you!” Flee warned.

Termee swiftly retaliated, “Kuttt! I bit him.”

“Why are these pests in our home?” the human exclaimed in frustration.

“We’ll never know,” replied another human.



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