Damid's Adventure

Hello, I’m Damid, though I’m about 80 or so—I lost count of my birthdays. Let’s forget what I said earlier. Now, let me share a story I’ve longed to tell someone. Back when I was 11, I lived in a busy city where everyone rushed through their lives without talking. But amidst this chaos, we were a close-knit group of friends: Tony, Wonky (who were twins), Jharna, Stinger, and me. My friends’ parents had passed away in a train accident, just like mine in a car crash. I lived with my grandparents, but my friends had no relatives nearby, so they had to live in the orphanage. 

My grandparents couldn’t afford to send me to school but fortunately my friends taught me what they learnt at their orphanage. My favourite colour was—and still is—yellow; back then, I always wore a yellow t-shirt and black trousers, though I can’t recall what my friends wore. We loved gathering at the local park. One day during one of these gatherings, Jharna suggested something exciting. 

“Hey, Damid, since you love to travel, why not join us on a journey in your grandfather’s yacht?” (Even though it was rather ugly). “But Jharna, will your orphanage allow it?” I asked eagerly, hoping for a yes. 

“Yeah, they’ll definitely allow us,” she assured me. 

Living in New York made it even more thrilling. I rushed home, asked my grandparents for permission, packed my backpack, and got ready. Despite my grandparents insisting I return within a month, I ignored their condition and headed straight to the local park, where my friends were also ready with their bag packs. My grandparents joined us at the park, and together we headed towards the old yacht. With my grandparent’s assistance, we launched the yacht into the water and set sail, waving goodbye to them. 


As we sailed through the winds, I was steering the wheel, and my friends were enjoying. Tony and Wonky, being twins, collaborated on choosing the best island for our vacation. Jharna was engrossed in applying lipstick, and Stinger chatted on his phone. We were all happy until lightning struck nearby, followed by a sudden storm that caused our ship to start sinking. I closed my eyes, prepared to meet God. 


As I regained consciousness, I coughed up salt water and briefly wondered if I had woken up in heaven, but I had logical proof that I wasn’t in heaven because I just sort of vomited salt water. Concerned for my friends, I hurried along the coast and thankfully found them unconscious near the shore. I pressed their bellies; they coughed salt water too and now they were out of danger. 

Tony began asking, “Hey, do any of you know where we are…. 


“Stinger, please don’t shout; it won’t help,” I said, calling him down. Turning to Tony, I encouraged, “Please continue with your question.” It was the first time in my life I felt like an adult. 

“Oh, well, I was just saying that this island… isn’t on the map,” Tony started, with Wonky finishing his sentence.

“So, what’s our plan?” I asked them. 

“We’ll build a shelter, start a bonfire, find food, and then explore the island,” Jharna replied. 

“Alright, but first, let’s gather logs for a cottage,” I responded.


“But how are we going to build a cottage, Damid?” asked Wonky, pointing toward a dense forest where many little worms were crawling near the roots of the trees. “And we don’t even have an axe,” he added. 

“Well, what’s our Plan B?” I asked. 

“We could make a tent out of our clothes,” suggested Jharna. (I must admit, girls are smarter than boys.) 

Everyone agreed to this idea. Then I asked, “What will we wear then?” There was a long pause. Finally, Tony gathered courage and said, “We’ll have to sacrifice something. It’s either our clothes or our shelter.” 

“But which should we choose?” I asked. 

“We should build a shelter,” replied Jharna firmly. 

“But Jharna, if we make a tent out…” 

“HEEEELP!” screamed Wonky suddenly. As we turned around, we saw that worms had crawled all over him. Now what, we ran through the forest.  


We ran through the thorny bushes; we got hurt but still we did not mind it. We were all focussed on our running. Finally, we were saved because there was a river. We jumped into the water. The good thing was that it was very shallow. As we looked back, we were astonished to see snowy mountains in the distance. We were surprised – on one side there were lush green trees and, on another side, white snowy mountains. Unable to swim, the worms crawled away from the water’s edge. While we were still in the water when something happened, something extraordinary. 


There was a blast. We looked up. It was an excessively big creature. It could not be any bird; it was much larger for a bird – even an eagle was small in front of that. They were just like mythical dragons. There were just so many mystical creatures on this island. (Well, I counted the worms as well. They looked the same, but they were quite different from normal worms).   

I was going to tell everybody to ignore it but, unfortunately as it always happened, Stinger released a net which he kept in his bag and both creatures got caught.  Once then again, nobody obeyed me. 


Both creatures fell to the ground, leaving me astonished—they were two majestic dragons. While everyone else busily assigned names, I found myself amazed. Eventually, we settled on “Agdu” for the red fire-breathing dragon and “Jaldu” for the blue water-breathing one. Both the dragons were very obedient and did whatever we said to them. So, we easily taught them to our language. In fact, we trained them in 1 week. We trained them near their home, which was in the mountains.  


Everything seemed normal. We had lost all hopes to return to our homes. If we were together, we were happy, until one day, something unusual happened. Stinger began behaving suspiciously, as if he was hiding something from us. 

When we all saw his behaviour, we started threatening him. He wasn’t budging so finally I threatened him that he’ll be fed to the dragons. He got really scared and started spilling the truth. 

‘T-there i-s a-nother pp-erson o-n th-is iss-land,’ he stuttered. 

‘WHO IS HE?’ demanded Tony. 

‘Hhh-e ii-s Ddd-rovo,’ came the reply. 

‘WHAT DOES HE DO?’ demanded Jharna. 

‘W-wi-tch cr-aft,’ Stinger answered again. 


‘W-wa-r,’ he replied, barely audible. 

‘WHERE IS THE BATTLEFIELD?’ I asked urgently. 

‘It-t’s ne-ar the ri-ver,’ he managed to say. 

With those final words, we prepared our dragons and then we set off for battle.” 




We all marched towards the river where Drovo awaited us. As we arrived, I intended to shout, ‘No war!’ but before I could utter a word, everyone charged into battle as usual. Having lived on the island for nearly six months, we had crafted spears for hunting, which now served as our weapons in the war. 

We gave our best in our spears and our karate skills. (We did karate classes in New York). Our dragons fired. The war went for hours and hours until the dragons decided they had enough.  Both the dragons combined their power and blasted into the river. “ 


As the dragons blasted their power in the water, a goddess came out of the river. The goddess was wearing a saree and countless jewels.  


Everybody was afraid of the warning and so, the war ended, and we had a peace conference. 


Jharna, Stinger, Tony, Wonky, Drovo, and I were gathered at Drovo’s camp. Drovo addressed me, saying, “So, you’re the one involved in witchcraft.” 

“Who told you that?” I demanded. 

“My dear Damid,” he replied proudly. 

“I’m Damid. Who are you talking about?” I questioned angrily. 

He pointed towards Stinger. 

“STINGER!” I shouted in my mind. 

Sensing something fishy, I continued, “Are you the person who had a serious car accident?” 

“Yes, but how do you know that?” Drovo asked. 

“Because I’m your son!” I exclaimed. 

“Then who is he?” Drovo inquired. 

“He’s Stinger,” I answered. 

 “So, he lied to us and to Damid’s father,” added Jharna. 

“We should…. punish him,” Wonky started and Tony finished. 

We arrested him in the magical land jail. (Well, in so many months, we even made a jail in the land.)  

To guard it, we stationed dragons. With the assistance of my father’s ships, we then returned to our house. 


Now everything had returned to normal. Although I was a little late by about 8 or 9 months, my grandparents were overjoyed to see my father. Unfortunately, my friends weren’t as fortunate and received a mild scolding. My father narrated the whole story of how he escaped the accident. 

On that day my mother was driving the car and since she was not proficient in driving, she hit another car and died, while my father managed to survive.  His phone had been broken in the accident so, he couldn’t call the doctors. It was midnight so, no one was around. So, after walking many metres, He found Stinger. And Stinger and I always looked alike. So, Stinger tricked him and said that he was me, and my father got caught into his trap. We never knew why he did that.  We even named the island Cock.

So did you like my story? I am sure you did. Ok, Bye, meet you in another story. 

                                                                                                                         The End.

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